First, we must end free stuff. A welfare State and an open border will never work. This is attracting many non-employable to live off the taxpayer's largess.
Second, create a bio-metric card for foreign workers after a thorough background check, both medical and criminal. Workers can come and work, leave their families at home and easily get home for events or emergencies. Today, trips home for even your parent's funeral are too risky. Some parents don't see their children for years.
What are the carrots for those who comply?
Workers must return home for three months each year or risk losing their ID. During that time, they may NOT cross into the US but they and their families receive the FICA withheld from their pay in three installments. Foreign families love their language, their flag, and their colors. Their children can live much better at home than hiding in America. Often these children can attend a private school providing for a much better future for them.
Why would a craftsman, a roofer, skilled assembly line worker, a coder or an agricultural worker not comply?
Checking workers for their biometric ID is easy. Factories will learn to adjust and rotate skilled workers through their nine months on the job. Since the FICA will be refunded, the federal government knows who is here and where they are working.
The load on local communities for education and medical care for the families evaporate.
Those without an ID will be much easier to find and deport. Why would an employer risk illegal workers? Since the ID is free, the only reason not to comply is obvious. They have a past criminal or medical reason found in their background check.
I hope someone will comment.
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