Tuesday, July 22, 2014

A Resolution for Enhancement of Quality Education for Nebraska's Youth

Whereas an educated population being necessary to informed voting, economic growth and tranquility in daily discourse, and whereas since the federal government of the United States and many funding bodies not directly linked to Nebraska schools, have become involved in local public schools and the education of our Nebraska children to an invasive extent, scores have dropped, a large percentage of graduates must take remedial classes in Math before attending Nebraska’s Universities, and division between segments of our population have grown, be it resolved that the State of Nebraska breaks all ties with federal control of education within our borders.  Any and all remuneration for education can be accepted from any source by any school of the parent’s choice including private schools, but funding may not be accepted by any Nebraska school when tied to changes in curriculum or added burdens for the school.

All public school boards are to be dissolved, administrative offices used in the future as classrooms, and each public school principal is required to accept nominations for a board made up only of parents or custodians of his/her school’s students and organize an election (one parental vote per pupil in attendance at that school) within two weeks of the start of the school term. The principal and the subsequently elected board write the budget and determine materials and resources required for the year.  Once in place, this election can be held closer to the end of their school term for the following year. All principals are required to teach one or more classes during the school day to keep in touch with students. California Achievement tests are administered at the end of each school term (annually) to determine the quality of the individual teacher and determine their individual bonus by the actual growth and performance of those so trustingly placed in their care.  New students or transfers can be administered the tests at the principal's discretion.
Staff members tasked to individually assist the disabled, in accordance with ADA law, are funded by that federal agency and barring classroom disruption, the child and their assistant may mainstream in public schools.  Impact aid from the federal government for areas close to Offutt reduce the amount allocated per pupil.

All private schools also administer California Achievement tests and results are published in the local newspapers annually next to the public school scores.  If a parent changes jobs and their employer maintains a school on the premises, there should be no barriers for their child changing to that school.  The school day, materials, hours, business involvement, is at the discretion of the each school as long as their overall achievement remains acceptable which is the only Unicameral function, setting the lower end of achievement which may cause a vote to determine if the school is to be closed or a principal replaced. 

I recommend a return to the Spalding Method of teaching reading which involves saying, hearing, writing (penmanship) and seeing words and phonic patterns to build a list of spelling words that are understood by the child including how to form those words on paper, read them, spell them, listen and say them.  As their book of sounds and words grow, "reader texts" may not be required as children may select topics of interest from their classroom's library of books. The board of parents and the principal make decisions on "texts" for young readers, however. Students are better able to think independently and contribute to current community ideas when they've been taught to read effectively.  

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