Friday, March 2, 2012

What's a liberal or a conservative?

What is a liberal? What is a conservative? What is right wing and what is left wing? What do you do when you don't fit into any category used today?

The American dream was not 'diversity' but a 'melting pot' with Americans of all ages, races, sex, and sexual orientation, heritage, etc. believing in the rights of the individual over any government defined group or category. No individuals has the right to initiate force or fraud so of course we need a police force and we need enforcement of laws like theft, too. But ....

MLK Jr said we should be judged not by the color of our skin (add age, heritage, religion or lack thereof, male or female, disabled or not. disadvantaged or not-- the basis of many laws) but by the content of our character. As someone once said, paraphrasing 'as long as they don't scare the horses and kids, its fine by him.'

In "America's 30 Years War" Balint Vazsonyi points out political correctness is an affront to the 1st Amendment. He lived under Hitler and Stalin and knows about repression of free speech and speech codes. As a student in a conservatory of music, he was called before a board of government for saying to a friend, 'communism is not the best form of government for musicians.' His punishment was no performances outside the school for two years.

"The term 'politically correct' first came to my attention through the writings of Anton Semionovich Makarenko, Lenin's expert on education. Adolf Hitler preferred the version 'socially correct.' Then came affirmative action forms which classified people by ancestry--1st signed into law in Nazi Germany--and the preferential treatment of specific categories, introduced by the Stalinist government in 1950."

"Prophets of social justice -- communists, whether by that or any other name-- focus on who should have less. Because they have nothing to give, they can only take away. First, they take away opportunity. Next, they take away possessions. In the end, they have to take away life itself."

Please don't characterize me until you have considered where central planners are heading. They may limit what foods we eat, what drugs we take, where we fly and and have federal enforcement, even SWAT teams at the ready, even at the Department of Education. When I was a child, we used to say 'Well its not a federal offense,' meaning a federal offense meant the FBI, federal police, enforced it.

Germans feared the knock at the door. Now the raids come at the crack of dawn, the dogs are killed, and everyone presumed guilty. Now this President who you may trust with this power, NDAA, may snatch a citizen off the street with no charges and detain them forever. Remember though the next President won't give up powers once available just as Obama did not give up the Patriot Act powers.

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