A deeply worried Naomi Wolf, author of The End of America, fears that both TSA actions and the threatened use of the 1917 Espionage Act against Wikileaks founder Julian Assange, a journalist, signal a rapid escalation on multiple fronts toward the end of liberty for all of us. Historically, the state always uses the excuse of national security as a tactic to subjugate citizens, forcing nakedness and sexual intrusions upon us, unless and until, courageous acts of resistance and mass opposition finally force these totalitarians, like the TSA, to back down. But we must act if we are to have a chance.
I love smart people who see past the rhetoric. This post from a Fox News from about WikiLeak's insurance file of unredacted data which exists to be 'unlocked' if they are shut down.
One of the stated goals for the release of the diplomatic cables is to expose American hypocrisy about freedoms of the press and speech. They chose to work with certain companies, like Amazon, specifically to show how quickly the government will demand censorship and how easily those corporations do cave. The U.S., Australian, and even Canadian governments have shown themselves to be no better than China when it comes to the distribution of information that actually has the power to change how those governments conduct themselves. They immediately start trying to shut down the website by any means legal, illegal, or completely against any sense of American democratic values.
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