Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Define Progress

Progressive policymakers moved single mothers to projects like Cabrini Green's high rises [see below] and lumped them together by the thousands -- miles from the father and extended family-- left to foment for 20/30/40 years. Men called 'dad,' attempting to stay with their families, became 'cheaters.' When the drugs, crime and gang problem resulted, they bulldozed the site and scampered off to hatch a new plan to help the poor.

All the neighbors in the projects had failed at personal responsibility in one way or another. The children in this situation seldom if ever saw their father, their grandparents, or any individuals that might be classified as 'responsible,' and had only lonesome, dejected, and often depressed moms to raise them.

With hindsight, we should be able to see how this process, implemented across the US, destroyed the family structure for scores of millions of children over the years.

Why would anyone vote for progressives or for a way forward after observing social planners abject failures over the years.

a Chicago Housing Authority (CHA) public housing development on Chicago's Near North Side, ..At its peak, Cabrini–Green was home to 15,000 people,[1] living in mid- and high-rise apartment buildings. Over the years, gang violence and neglect created terrible conditions for the residents, and the name "Cabrini–Green" became synonymous with the problems associated with public housing in the United States.

Is all this history of failure down the memory hole? Didn't we learn anything? I hear day after day, young voters asking for a 'way forward' and 'progress' from their elected representatives.

Unless they look back at what prior social engineers created with their good intentions, before listening to current plans from politicians, they will risk more unintended consequences.

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