Monday, July 18, 2016

Socialism vs Meritocracy

"A quarter of a century after the spectacular collapse of socialism in the Soviet empire, a large segment of the “millennial” generation (those born between 1982 and 2004) thinks socialism should be the wave of their future. A 2016 Pew Foundation poll found that 69% of voters under the age of 30 expressed “a willingness to vote for a socialist president,” and a 2015 “” poll revealed that 43% of young Americans between 18 had 29 had a “favorable” opinion of socialism” and prefer it to capitalism. Who says the public schools aren’t teaching the kids anything these days?
A very large segment of the younger generation obviously finds promises of “free” education, health care, and groceries promised by socialist political demagogues like Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton to be quite appealing. Just as obvious is that they are oblivious to the fact that socialism would destroy their economic future, and their children’s future, and strip them of their freedom, just as it has done wherever else it has been imposed." Thomas DiLorenzo
Mises wrote in his own classic on Socialism, socialists have always employed a dual strategy:
1) nationalize as much private property as possible; and
2) “destruction” or the destruction of as much of the private property/free enterprise society as possible with taxes, regulation, inflation — whatever will work.
"Hillary was front and center cheering the destruction of Libya and attempted overthrow of Assad in Syria by CIA who spent up to Billion a year in Syria which created a refugee crisis of monumental proportions.
Using NATO to bomb Libya opened France to unbelieveable and horrendous terrorist attacks. When NATO dropped 1000s of bombs a day on Libya, that just MAY have seemed like terror to Libyans. When USA is again dropping cluster bombs in Iraq, as seen on C-SPAN recently, Iraqis just MAY have seen that as terror, too.
Our currency is on the brink; how much more can they print before it is completely worthless? A middle class home in urban areas now can cost close to or over a MILLION? Ludicrous.
The long knives are after the second amendment today, as well, pretending to have a focus to save black lives. Read the truth as found recently and published in the Washington Post. Chicago, Detroit and other large cities have failed to keep black families safe from crime.

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