As First Lady of Arkansas, Hillary sat on the board of Walmart for six years presumably collecting a huge salary while keeping mum about the unionization taking place at the Walmart stores at that time.
Bill and Hill move into White House January 1993, ATF which was sued by Randy Weaver over killing his wife and son in Idaho (ATF settled in 1995,) appears to have planned to present video of Davidians and their weapons store, for an upcoming budget hearing. After Ruby Ridge, they feared losing their SWAT team. The FBI had been called in at Ruby Ridge as it was at Waco to clean up the ATF tax agents' mess. Rent "Waco: Rules of Engagement" and see Sony Bono in action at the hearing after the raid on my birthday, Feb 28th.
Taking video cameras, helicopters from Texas National guard (only for use domestically for drug cases,) forgetting their warrant, horse trailers full of ATF (appr 80) with fully automatics and armor piercing bullets marched on Davidian commune and shoot the Malamute and her pups in a pen.
Koresh opened the door and gunfire blasts up the inside of the door as it opened and he was wounded in the side. Did the Davidians shoot first or did an agent trip or get spooked by the gunfire at the dogs? Does it matter?
The local Sheriff was in tears as he was not asked to escort the ATF or told of the raid. He had an open invitation to search premises. A Davidian money maker, was making plaques with fake grenades 'pull pin in case of emergency' and their weapons' inventory that they sold at Gun Shows. Were Davidians kooky, yes. Did they deserve to be used as actors in a budget hearing video, no.
When the Davidians fired back, the agents in the Helicopters fired through the roof of the building known to contain over 40 children. It was a fiasco not unlike what Syria looks like now thanks to Hillary's years as Secretary of State. The FBI came in and changed the vocabulary, as an underground school bus serving as a tornado shelter became something else.. a half dug swimming pool became a bunker.
Hillary scares the SHIT out of me. No mess is too great for her to create, even world war.
When the OKC bomber was interviewed by Gore Vidal he said OKC wasn't retaliation, it was a threat to feds. You kill innocent children in Waco, April 19th and we kill innocent children in a federal building the same day two years later.
By the way, Janet Reno wasn't AG when the attack took place, it was Hillary's law partner, Acting AG, Webb Hubbell, and was given as law partner Vince Foster's reason for suicide according to his wife, guilt and depression over children;s death in Waco.
As Secretary of State advising Obama on foreign affairs, we used NATO to bomb Libya for weeks, 1000s of bombs a day, talk about terror, and aided rebels who killed Qaddafi. Using NATO exposed Europe, our NATO partners, to the rath of the Libyans and we have seen the results of the refugees and terrorism in Europe ever since.
Want more of the same, elect Hillary.
Monday, July 25, 2016
Monday, July 18, 2016
Socialism vs Meritocracy
"A quarter of a century after the spectacular collapse of socialism in the Soviet empire, a large segment of the “millennial” generation (those born between 1982 and 2004) thinks socialism should be the wave of their future. A 2016 Pew Foundation poll found that 69% of voters under the age of 30 expressed “a willingness to vote for a socialist president,” and a 2015 “” poll revealed that 43% of young Americans between 18 had 29 had a “favorable” opinion of socialism” and prefer it to capitalism. Who says the public schools aren’t teaching the kids anything these days?
A very large segment of the younger generation obviously finds promises of “free” education, health care, and groceries promised by socialist political demagogues like Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton to be quite appealing. Just as obvious is that they are oblivious to the fact that socialism would destroy their economic future, and their children’s future, and strip them of their freedom, just as it has done wherever else it has been imposed." Thomas DiLorenzo
Mises wrote in his own classic on Socialism, socialists have always employed a dual strategy:
1) nationalize as much private property as possible; and
2) “destruction” or the destruction of as much of the private property/free enterprise society as possible with taxes, regulation, inflation — whatever will work.
1) nationalize as much private property as possible; and
2) “destruction” or the destruction of as much of the private property/free enterprise society as possible with taxes, regulation, inflation — whatever will work.
"Hillary was front and center cheering the destruction of Libya and attempted overthrow of Assad in Syria by CIA who spent up to Billion a year in Syria which created a refugee crisis of monumental proportions.
Using NATO to bomb Libya opened France to unbelieveable and horrendous terrorist attacks. When NATO dropped 1000s of bombs a day on Libya, that just MAY have seemed like terror to Libyans. When USA is again dropping cluster bombs in Iraq, as seen on C-SPAN recently, Iraqis just MAY have seen that as terror, too.
Using NATO to bomb Libya opened France to unbelieveable and horrendous terrorist attacks. When NATO dropped 1000s of bombs a day on Libya, that just MAY have seemed like terror to Libyans. When USA is again dropping cluster bombs in Iraq, as seen on C-SPAN recently, Iraqis just MAY have seen that as terror, too.
Our currency is on the brink; how much more can they print before it is completely worthless? A middle class home in urban areas now can cost close to or over a MILLION? Ludicrous.
The long knives are after the second amendment today, as well, pretending to have a focus to save black lives. Read the truth as found recently and published in the Washington Post. Chicago, Detroit and other large cities have failed to keep black families safe from crime.

Friday, July 1, 2016
Connecting the Dots
All these bullet points are fact. Putting them together, however, I draw an alternate conclusion.
1) On C-SPAN, an official commented that controlling the world's supply of oil was a matter of controlling the refineries as crude was useless without a refinery.
2) Qaddafi complied with ridding all Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) from Libya when we invaded Iraq. Qaddafi had crude oil and refineries.
3) From Wikipedia (see below), we learn of a plan to carry Middle Eastern energy to Europe through Syria which rejected the plan. Syria is a known ally of Putin in Russia, providing seaports for the Russian fleet.
5) When the Ukraine fell, Vice President Joe Biden flew to Ukraine and his son, Beau, was installed as a director on the board of the Ukraine Gas Pipeline board.
6) Russia countered by annexing Crimea, Russia's only warm water ports, after allowing a vote of the people.
7) Qaddafi was elected head of the African Union and was researching an African Union currency similar to the EU. He also had a large store of gold to back up an AU currency unlike the EU or the US$.
Is the world waking up to the debt burden forced on the EU and America citizens by these policies? BREXIT may just be the beginning, and Trump may be a symptom of 'enough unelected globalists making detached decisions about our very real lives and squashing real dreams!'
Ludwig von Mises left Europe as Hitler was closing the door and escaped to America: “A man who chooses between drinking a glass of milk and a glass of a solution of potassium cyanide does not choose between two beverages; he chooses between life and death. A society that chooses between capitalism and socialism does not choose between two social systems; it chooses between social cooperation and the disintegration of society. Socialism is not an alternative to capitalism; it is an alternative to any system under which men can live as human beings.”
The Qatar-Turkey pipeline is a proposed natural gas pipeline running from the Iranian-Qatari South Pars / North Dome Gas-Condensate field towards Turkey, where it could connect with the Nabucco pipeline to supply European customers as well as Turkey. One route to Turkey is via Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and Syria,[1][2] and another is through Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Iraq.[3][4]Syria's rationale for rejecting the Qatar proposal was said to be "to protect the interests of [its] Russian ally, which is Europe's top supplier of natural gas."[1]
1) On C-SPAN, an official commented that controlling the world's supply of oil was a matter of controlling the refineries as crude was useless without a refinery.
2) Qaddafi complied with ridding all Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) from Libya when we invaded Iraq. Qaddafi had crude oil and refineries.
3) From Wikipedia (see below), we learn of a plan to carry Middle Eastern energy to Europe through Syria which rejected the plan. Syria is a known ally of Putin in Russia, providing seaports for the Russian fleet.
5) When the Ukraine fell, Vice President Joe Biden flew to Ukraine and his son, Beau, was installed as a director on the board of the Ukraine Gas Pipeline board.
6) Russia countered by annexing Crimea, Russia's only warm water ports, after allowing a vote of the people.
7) Qaddafi was elected head of the African Union and was researching an African Union currency similar to the EU. He also had a large store of gold to back up an AU currency unlike the EU or the US$.
Is the world waking up to the debt burden forced on the EU and America citizens by these policies? BREXIT may just be the beginning, and Trump may be a symptom of 'enough unelected globalists making detached decisions about our very real lives and squashing real dreams!'
Ludwig von Mises left Europe as Hitler was closing the door and escaped to America: “A man who chooses between drinking a glass of milk and a glass of a solution of potassium cyanide does not choose between two beverages; he chooses between life and death. A society that chooses between capitalism and socialism does not choose between two social systems; it chooses between social cooperation and the disintegration of society. Socialism is not an alternative to capitalism; it is an alternative to any system under which men can live as human beings.”
The Qatar-Turkey pipeline is a proposed natural gas pipeline running from the Iranian-Qatari South Pars / North Dome Gas-Condensate field towards Turkey, where it could connect with the Nabucco pipeline to supply European customers as well as Turkey. One route to Turkey is via Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and Syria,[1][2] and another is through Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Iraq.[3][4]Syria's rationale for rejecting the Qatar proposal was said to be "to protect the interests of [its] Russian ally, which is Europe's top supplier of natural gas."[1]
4) Ukraine regime change was aided by Victoria Nuland of the State Department and our Ambassador to Ukraine as we discovered through a cell phone conversation between them. Their choice as the new leader of Ukraine came to be, the "EU be damned." The call is available on the Internet.
Possibly we assisted in directing the uprising by shooting a few on one side or the other but that is not a fact I can prove.
Connect these dots and a picture begins to emerge. Our actions seem to be directed at a goal of blocking Europe's energy supply from Russia purchased in rubles, and replacing it with Middle Eastern energy purchased in US$s. By:
Possibly we assisted in directing the uprising by shooting a few on one side or the other but that is not a fact I can prove.
Connect these dots and a picture begins to emerge. Our actions seem to be directed at a goal of blocking Europe's energy supply from Russia purchased in rubles, and replacing it with Middle Eastern energy purchased in US$s. By:
A) A US friendly leader in Ukraine and Beau Biden on the Ukraine gas pipeline board to moderate the flow to the EU,
B) removing Qaddafi ends any plans for a common currency for the continent of Africa and access to Libya's energy from their refineries, and
C) remove Assad to complete the pipeline to from Qatar to the EU accomplish that goal.
And now this, A Natural Gas War Burning Under Syria adding more fuel to that fire.
And now this, A Natural Gas War Burning Under Syria adding more fuel to that fire.
The individual as a sovereign, protected from government by a Bill of Rights, is rapidly being replaced with socialism.
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