Jerry L Hickman
1/30/2016, from one of my favorite Libertarians.
I went to Columbus Nebraska yesterday and listened to Gabe Brown from North Dakota talk about his farming operation.
Wow! Gabe is a known worldwide for his innovation in sustainable agriculture.
Wow! Gabe is a known worldwide for his innovation in sustainable agriculture.
His story shows exactly why capitalism is so superior to socialism/fascism/communism. Gabe had to overcome the fascism in the United States to progress to where he is in his program. As he progressed he has rejected USDA farm programs originally developed by the socialist Roosevelt administration. (You know the program the Supreme Court shot down as unconstitutional until Roosevelt packed the Supreme Court with corrupt judges.) He also does not participate in the USDA multi-peril crop insurance program that rapes taxpayers. Because of his attitude of being self-sufficient I would not doubt if he will reject the socialist Social Security payments when he is old. (Another unconstitutional socialist program from the Roosevelt administration that rapes taxpayers).
Gabe sort of stumbled onto sustainable agriculture due to necessity caused by nasty weather. What is the old saying; necessity is the mother of invention? Gabe continued his pursuit of sustainable agriculture because of greed. Gabe likes to make money. He said, “I would rather sign the back of checks than the front of checks.”
Because of his innovation and methods of rapidly improving soils landlords come to him and want him to farm their land. He pays 20% below the going rate on rent.
Gabe’ yields are way out producing the rest of his county and he is doing it without purchased fertilizer and very few pesticides. But he does not reject these things because of some liberal anti-progress, anti-corporation agenda. He is approaching this from a standpoint of capitalist greed. That is a good thing in spite of what the lying socialist claim.
Because of Gabe’s production practices (he is not organic) people will pay high prices for his produce in farmer’s markets. He sells eggs for $5 a dozen, bacon for $15 a pound and on and on. And remember his cost of production is lower than other farmers.
This is why freedom is so superior to socialism and fascism. Today idiots call for government regulations to stifle business and innovation. Today idiots call for socialist programs to enslave people. The worst of it some of these people are old enough to remember the Union of Socialist Republics and its failed socialism. Some of these people are old enough that they studied about the failure of the National Socialism in Germany while they were in school. Of course most of the people who are worshiping socialism and believing all the impossible lies of Bernie Sanders are the youngsters who got pure socialist indoctrination in school and have never expanded their learning or learned how to think for themselves.