They shot JFK, and LBJ escalated the war in Vietnam. When Martin Luther King, Jr, came out with his anti-war feelings, they shot him, too. His family has publicly said the man in jail didn't do it.
Anti-war feelings grew and Eugene McCarthy [D] won a primary against LBJ funded by deep pocket democrat donors who would be punished by the party if their names were revealed. After McCarthy won, anti-war RFK jumped in and won in California. They shot him, too. Then they passed the FEC which 'Clean Gene' McCarthy [D] said was to silence [by defunding] dissidents.
An owner of a major truck stop once said that donating to a third party candidate could cause road construction to close his exit off the Interstate for months. Now we know that's never done to punish ... no one would ever close lanes on a bridge to cause traffic jams, right?
A woman whose family owned a grocery found their street closed with a 2 block detour for access until their store went broke and her husband died of a heart attack. He had openly opposed the current Mayor as being corrupt and he won reelection.
FEC Campaign records are scoured by people like you and me to find out who funds our favored candidate, right? Wrong; they are scoured by political party hacks.
Along came the Internet and money bombs, and even before money bombs, Dr. Dean collected funds from the Internet. Those populous candidates are crushed by the main stream media who can take one 'scream' from Dr. Dean or a political dirty trick from Christie and turn it into an anchor. They miscaracterize Dr. Ron Paul as an isolationist rather than a Jeffersonian 'Peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations... entangling alliances with none!'
While Dr. Ron Paul was speaking at the University in New Hampshire, outside on the steps in the falling snow because the room was too small, John McCain was in the State visiting a munitions plant. McCain kept his powerful seat in the Senate signing those contracts over to suppliers of war and won the New Hampshire primary.
Now, will the GOP do the right thing and let the next Ronald Reagan be nominated. Reagan was not the presumptive nominee, Gerald Ford was, and Reagan won only after several ballots. Ford was a good man but would have either lost or compromised so it would be the same as a loss for the anti-war majority.
Hillary voted for the Iraq war and helped stage Libya for the chaos and bombing they've faced. We saw not one injured Libyan child after dropping 1000s of bombs a day. What? Hillary directed our ambassador in Syria to assist rebels in an attempt to overthrow Assad. Stop a moment and think: What if the Syrian ambassador to the USA assisted rebels in attempt to overthrow OUR leader? Look at the refugees and the carnage in Syria yet Kerry sent rebels funds February, 2013, and then later sent them HUGE military weaponry. The Benghazi visit may have been about shuffling some of the Libyan weapons to Syrian rebels.
We invaded and occupied two of Iran's neighbors, deposed Iranians' elected leader and installed the Shah and shot down a domestic airliner by accident. We tell them they can participate in UN talks about another neighbor, Syria, only if they agree to the verdict first; trial later. Assad must go??? what?
I'm beginning to believe our foreign policy isn't about peace but is about funding the military industrial complex so they don't shoot our elected leaders. And I'm beginning to think NSA data may be more about coercing votes from any elected leaders and/or justices of the USSC than security.
How can we possibly know the truth anymore?